Monday, April 18, 2011

She becomes less and less

It seems that I am moving further and further away from my little girl...The pangs of loss are not as sharp and don't cut as deep as they once did. I guess that's time's gift...It drags me away from her though more and more. I can't remember her face, no hair, no soft skin. All I have is the images from the pictures. Another gift of time or have I been robbed? I don't know anymore. I guess I have fallen into a grim reconciliation of the reality that she is gone, she's never coming back, and I will never ever have my Sage.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Time has been playing tricks

So it has been over 2 years now and I swear it has been a time warp. I know earlier on here I talked about how time flexes and bends when you are grieving. I guess it keeps on doing that even after you are over the big nasty hump and on to the never-ending road of smaller bumps. What catches me is that I forgot quite a bit already. I can't recall her face without a picture. I remember the general things but they blend now with the photos and I can't remember if it is memory or a picture I conger up in my head. I've accepted that as a symptom of time  and maybe that's a blessing....I don't know.